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About IEL

Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da Unicamp


About IEL

The origin of the Institute of Language Studies was the Department of Linguistics, created in 1968 in the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences. This was the first Department of Linguistics created in Brazil, and its main purpose was the academic qualification founded on the scientific study of languages and the theoretical training with special attention to Portuguese language.

The department rapidly increased and developed new areas of research, with the constitution of a Center of Applied Linguistics, in 1974, and a nucleus of Literary Theory within the Department of Linguistics, in 1975.

In 1977, the importance of linguistic and literary studies in UNICAMP was recognized with the creation of the Institute of Language Studies, under the direction of Antonio Candido and Carlos Franchi. In 1982, two new departments, Applied Linguistics and Literary Theory, shaped the current structure of the institute.

Academic Structure

Academic Administration

Director: Petrilson Alan Pinheiro da Silva
Associate Director: Mónica Graciela Zoppi Fontana

Directors of programs

    Portuguese: Jacqueline Peixoto Barbosa
    Literary Studies: Lucia Granja

    Linguistics: Juanito Ornelas de Avelar
    Applied Linguistics: Daniela Palma
    Literary Theory and History: Marcio Orlando Seligmann Silva


Applied Linguistics

Department Chair: Dayane Celestino de Almeida


Department Chair: Isabella Tardin Cardoso

Literary Theory

Department Chair: Elena Brugioni

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