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Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da Unicamp

Major Areas
Research Groups

Major Areas

Applied Linguistics

Major Areas:

  • Theory, practice and teaching of translation
  • Multiculturalism, plurilingualism and bilingual education
  • Mother tongue
  • Foreign language
  • Language and technologies

Lines of Research

  • Language, translation and culture
  • Subjectivity and identity, deconstruction and psychoanalysis
  • Literacy
  • Education in bilingual/bidialectal contexts
  • Language, teaching, technological mediation and digital literacy
  • Discursive practices, interaction and assessment in institutional contexts
  • Teaching/learning Portuguese as a second language and foreign languages
  • Interpretation and authorship in reading and writing


Major Areas: Natural languages: form and function
Lines of Research

  • Analysis, description and documentation of natural languages
  • The nature of signification and associated factors
  • Generative syntax of natural languages
  • Language, culture and society

Major Areas: Classical studies
Lines of Research

  • Greek and Roman languages and texts

Major Areas: Discourse and text analysis
Lines of Research

  • The nature of signification and associated factors
  • Language, text and discourse
  • Language, subject, history
  • Language and psychoanalysis

Major Areas: Language and Thought
Lines of Research

  • Brain, mind and language
  • Children’s speech and writing

Major Areas: Language, history and knowledge
Lines of Research

  • Development of linguistic theories and methodologies

Theory and History of Literature

Major Area: General and Comparative Literature
Lines of Research

  • Comparative literary analysis
  • Modern foreign literature
  • Other vernacular literatures

Major Area: Literary History and Historiography
Lines of Research

  • Textual critique: critical editing, editions and annotated translations
  • Production, circulation and reception of literary texts

Major Area: Literary Theory and Criticism
Lines of Research

  • Criticism: history and methodology
  • Poetry: genres, styles, literary movements

Major Area: Literature and Other Cultural Productions
Lines of Research

  • Interdisciplinary literary studies

Major Area: Brazilian Literature
Lines of Research

  • Brazilian literature in the colonial period
  • 19th century Brazilian literature
  • 20th century Brazilian literature

Major Area: Portuguese Literature
Lines of Research

  • Medieval Portuguese literature
  • Classical Portuguese literature 3. Modern Portuguese literature

Popularization of Science and Culture

Major Area: Popularization of Science and Culture
Lines of Research

  • Scientific culture
  • Literary culture
  • New media for popularizing science and culture
  • Public perception of science and technology



Representantes dos Departamentos
Teoria Literária
Carlos Eduardo Ornelas Berriel
Thiago Oliveira da Motta Sampaio
Linguística Aplicada
Ana Cecilia Cossi Bizon

Representante Discente

Representante Técnico-Administrativo da Secretaria de Pesquisa e Projetos
Jefferson Roberto Oliveira Barros


Research Groups

Our Institute hosts Research Groups, Nuclei, Laboratories, and Centers. In all these, internal and external researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students, all interact and organize themselves around research topics and a leader. These initiatives represent the constant effort to share experiences and our commitment with scientific, technological, and artistic production, on a regular and high quality basis. Groups are formed by registration in CNPq’s Research Groups Directory. Nuclei, Laboratories, and Centers are registered as initiatives internal to our Institute, characterized by the association of internal researchers belonging to one or more CNPq Research Groups and, also, students and external researchers all committed in developing scientific investigation activities related to a common research area and topic of inquiry. The creation of all these structures are supported by our Research Secretariat.

Grupo de Estudos de Fonética Forense

Sigla/apelido: GEFF

O GEFF reúne pesquisadores e alunos interessados em investigar questões de pesquisa e ensino que envolvem a Comparação de Locutor para fins forenses.

Líder do projeto: Plínio Almeida Barbosa

Grupo de Estudos de Prosódia da Fala

Sigla/apelido: GEPF

O Grupo de Estudos de Prosódia da Fala (GEPF) reúne pesquisadores e estudantes da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e de outras universidades.  Todos os trabalhos sendo conduzidos se enquadram na pesquisa experimental, cobrindo as áreas de Fonética, Patologia e Ciências da fala. Sua finalidade é incentivar e realizar pesquisa na área de Prosódia da Fala através de atividades diversas como ensino, oficinas de trabalho, palestras e incentivo à participação em congressos nacionais e internacionais.

Líder do projeto: Plínio Almeida Barbosa

Formulas e estereótipos: teoria e análise

Sigla/apelido: FEsTA

Estudar as condições de funcionamento dos textos-fórmula, especialmente sua ligação com as “verdades” correntes, por um lado, e como pretensas formulações de verdades, por outro. Estudar os clichês, lugares de sentido estabilizado, derivados dos textos-fórmula. Estudar a ligação entre estereótipos e humor. Estudar a relação entre ethos e estereótipos. Estudar os idiomatismos, lugar de relação particular entre forma e sentido. Estudar os slogans, textos-fórmula que se fundam em ou impõem verdades comuns.

Líder do projeto: Sirio Possenti


Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, no 571 CEP 13083-859 – Campinas – SP – Brasil


+55 (19) 3521-1507

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